Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Make Money Sports Betting

So can you really make money betting on sports?  We all know that if every bettor lost money, all the time, there would no sports betting market, so yes, some bettors must be making money!  However, while there are 3 million people who do sports betting worldwide, only about 2% actually make a living doing so.  The other 98% actually lose money!  That means that there are about 60,000 people in the world who profit from sports betting enough to make a living at it. 

Therefore, while it is possible to make a living betting on sports, there seems to be at least three critical issues that make a difference.

             1.  Lack of discipline
             2.  Not applying a substantial sports betting system to keep you
                  consistent and on target.
             3.  The way you think, whether you think like an average bettor or
                   like the bookmaker.

The average sports bettor does not have the time, patience or inclination to actually test, retest and apply sports betting systems that would in the end spell success and that is why most sports bettors lose over the long haul.  There are many professionals out there who do have sports betting systems that work and who would be willing to share those systems with anyone who thinks they have what it takes to actually follow the system and do what it takes to be successful.  The average bettor needs to understand that they can not just bet on random games night after night with no research and no systems and expect any kind of sustained success.   They also need to understand that they will lose some games and, and to just use discipline to cut their loses and move on.

In addition, to guarantee success, the average bettor needs to begin thinking like the bookmaker by placing an equal amount of bets on both sides of the game.  That way the bookmaker earns a small profit regardless of who wins the game.  In truth though, the real money for the bookmaker is in those games that are bet heavily on one side and subsequently lost by the general public.  The bookmaker knows public loves the favorite team and they also know that the average bettor does not have the discipline to stop when they are ahead.  Nor does the average bettor have the slightest idea what sports bettor systems might give them an advantage.  These weaknesses are taken advantage of by the bookmaker. 

The most successful people in sports betting are those who have put a system in place and then have the discipline to follow that system precisely and accurately.    There are systems out there that are being put to use every day that can make the difference in whether you will or lose. 

It is usually wise also to do just the opposite of what everyone else is doing.  When they zig, you zag.  With these strategies, you will begin to win over time.  There are people out there who do win with these strategies and consistently win betting on sports.  This could be you if you are willing to put systems in place, stay disciplined, stay committed to research and to testing and retesting to make it happen.

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